GEOFFREY v0.1.2 Documentation



Source code for geoffrey.plugin

import asyncio
import inspect
import logging
import os

from bottle import Bottle

from geoffrey.deps.straight.plugin import load
from geoffrey.deps.straight.plugin.manager import PluginManager
from geoffrey.hub import get_hub
from geoffrey.subscription import _Subscription
from import State, Event
from geoffrey.utils import slugify, GeoffreyLoggingHandler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DefaultContextLogger:
    Add geoffrey specific data to logger.

    def __init__(self, logger, project, plugin):
        self.logger = logger
        self.project = project
        self.plugin = plugin

    def _log(self, level, *args, **kwargs):
        extra = kwargs.get('extra', dict())
        extra.setdefault('project', getattr(self.project, 'name', None))
        extra.setdefault('plugin', self.plugin)

        kwargs['extra'] = extra

        getattr(self.logger, level)(*args, **kwargs)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return self._log(name, *args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper

class Task:
    """Geoffrey plugin task marker."""

[docs]class GeoffreyPlugin: """ Base Geoffrey plugin. Uses introspection as a tool to define the desired behavior. The methods annotated with result geoffrey.plugin.Task will be runned as tasks when the plugin is loaded. The methods decored with @geoffrey.subscription can be used as an annotation of the Task's parameters as an incomming queue. Example: .. code-block:: python @asyncio.coroutine def example(self, events: in_data) -> plugin.Task: event = yield from in_data.get() # ... some stuff generating states or events ... yield from self.hub.put(mystate) # Put this on the hub """ def __init__(self, config, project=None): self.config = config self.hub = get_hub() self.subscriptions = [] self.tasks = [] self._running_tasks = [] self.project = project = Bottle() for task in self.get_tasks(): kwargs = {} for name, subscription in self.get_subscriptions(task): if isinstance(subscription, str): sub = getattr(self, subscription)() else: sub = subscription() # Instantiate this subscription class self.subscriptions.append(sub) kwargs[name] = sub signature = inspect.signature(task) arguments = signature.bind(self, **kwargs) self.tasks.append(task(*arguments.args, **arguments.kwargs)) self.log = DefaultContextLogger(logger, project,
[docs] def configure_app(self): """Override this method to add custom API endpoints."""'/', callback=self.get_api)
[docs] def get_api(self): """Get web API definitions.""" from geoffrey.utils import get_api return get_api(, prefix="/")
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the tasks of this plugin and add its subscriptions to the hub. """ self.configure_app() for task in self.tasks: # pragma: no cover self._running_tasks.append(asyncio.Task(task)) self.hub.add_subscriptions(self.subscriptions)"Started plugin `%s` (%d task(s))",, len(self._running_tasks))
@property def name(self): return slugify(self.__class__.__name__) def __repr__(self): return @property def _section_name(self): """The section name of this plugin in the config file.""" return 'plugin:' + def is_enabled(self): section_name = self._section_name return section_name in self.config.sections() @classmethod
[docs] def get_tasks(cls): """ Return the members of this instance annotated with return Task. """ def _get_tasks(): members = inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=inspect.isfunction) for _, member in members: annotations = getattr(member, '__annotations__', {}) if annotations.get('return', None) == Task: yield member return list(_get_tasks())
[docs] def get_subscriptions(task): """ The subscriptions defined as annotations in the tasks methods. """ annotations = getattr(task, '__annotations__', {}) def _get_subscriptions(): for key, value in annotations.items(): if isinstance(value, str): yield key, value else: inner_annotation = getattr(value, '__annotations__', {}) wrapper_return = inner_annotation.get('return', None) if wrapper_return == _Subscription: yield key, value return list(_get_subscriptions())
@property def _project_name(self): if self.project is not None: return
[docs] def new_state(self, key, content_type="data", **kwargs): """ Handy method that for creates a new state prefilled with the information of this plugin. """ return State(project=self._project_name,, key=key, content_type=content_type, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_event(self, key, **kwargs): """ Handy method that for creates a new event prefilled with the information of this plugin. """ return Event(project=self._project_name,, key=key, **kwargs)
[docs] def static(self): """ Root directory of static files. Where the client sources and the assets directory lives. """ classfile = inspect.getfile(self.__class__) root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(classfile), if not os.path.isdir(root): return None return os.path.realpath(root)
[docs] def assets(self): """ Root directory of asset files. """ static = self.static if static is None: return None assets = os.path.join(static, 'assets') if not os.path.isdir(assets): return None return assets
[docs] def client_plugin_source(self, language): """ Return the filename of the source code for the client side of this plugin in the given language. """ static = self.static if static is None: return None filename = os.path.join(static, "main." + language) realfilename = os.path.realpath(filename) if not realfilename.startswith(self.static + '/'): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Invalid language `%s`" % language) if not os.path.isfile(realfilename): return None return realfilename
def get_plugins(config, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns PluginManager with all available plugins for this config. """ loader = load('geoffreyplugins', subclasses=GeoffreyPlugin) all_plugins = loader.produce( config, *args, **kwargs) return PluginManager([plugin for plugin in all_plugins if plugin.is_enabled()]) def get_all_plugins(config, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns PluginManager with all available plugins in the system. """ loader = load('geoffreyplugins', subclasses=GeoffreyPlugin) all_plugins = loader.produce( config, *args, **kwargs) return PluginManager([plugin for plugin in all_plugins])
